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Pluralsight Centralizes, Validates, and Amplifies Data


Pluralsight, Inc. is an online education company that offers online training courses for software developers, IT administrators, and creative professionals. Based in Draper, Utah, the company employs close to 2,000 people. Recently, the company was recognized as a leader in the 2021 IDC MarketScape for IT Training in the U.S. Procurement at Pluralsight includes two sourcing managers, two sourcing analysts, a purchasing analyst, and the head of procurement. The team works closely with the IT, Legal, and Information Security departments to review the supplier data being shared and ensure ongoing security compliance.

The Challenge

Prior to Graphite Connect, Pluralsight collected basic information when onboarding suppliers— address, tax documents, and banking data. It was up to the business unit making the purchase to fill out an online form with background information, request the required data from the supplier, and then submit to the procurement team. From there, the Procurement Team would review and approve/reject the supplier.

All this information had to be entered manually. If there were additional questions about the documentation received, the Procurement Team reached out to the supplier. The process was cumbersome and time-consuming for all involved parties.

Pluralsight sought an efficient solution that would allow it to gain more insight into the supplier’s profile to support initiatives (diversity, for example) while also putting the responsibility of setting up a supplier’s profile, along with future changes to the supplier profile, in the supplier’s hands.

The Solution

Why Graphite?

The Graphite Connect platform enabled Pluralsight to gather more information in detail than ever before. For example, the supplier assessment now includes questions around data privacy as well as workforce and labor without the tedious back-and-forth of their previous process.

With Graphite Connect, suppliers enter their own information, saving significant time for Pluralsight’s procurement team. And, with Graphite data flowing directly into Netsuite, manual data entry is eliminated.

Joanna Sobol
Purchasing Analyst, Pluralsight

The system validates all self-reported information, and the supplier is notified by Graphite Connect if the information is missing or needs to be updated. Access to this level of clean, validated data helps Pluralsight ensure ongoing compliance with internal initiatives.

Finally, all supplier data is stored centrally in Graphite Connect, where stakeholders can access it easily. Teams can easily communicate within Graphite Connect about supplier onboarding tasks, risk concerns, supplier relationship management, and more.

The Results

Graphite Connect offers Pluralsight a more detailed view of each supplier. Now, systems, teams, and data are all connected. The company is able to quickly gather all the information it needs, and the Procurement, IT, Legal, and Information Security teams have a single location where they manage reviews of supplier profiles. As a result, onboarding new suppliers is thorough and done with a greater level of confidence.

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