JUN 19 2024 Resources Webinar

Webinar – Procurement in the Fast Lane

Accelerating Process Without Sacrificing Security

Recorded: June 19th at 9 am MDT

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, procurement teams are under increasing pressure to deliver results quickly while also safeguarding sensitive data and mitigating risks.

During this webinar, our expert panel explores strategies and best practices for striking the right equilibrium between efficiency and security. We discuss:

  1. The Need For Speed: Understanding the demands for rapid procurement in modern businesses and the challenges it poses to security protocols.

  2. Risk Management Strategies: Exploring proactive approaches to identifying and mitigating risks without slowing down procurement processes.

  3. Technological Solutions: Leveraging innovative technologies and tools to streamline procurement workflows while maintaining robust security measures.

  4. AI’s Role as Both Friend and Foe: Just as your team looks to leverage AI to speed processes. fraudsters are leveraging AI to outsmart your security.

This webinar provides valuable insights for procurement leaders to help you navigate the delicate balance between speed and security with confidence.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain practical strategies and actionable tips to enhance your procurement practices while safeguarding your organizations valuable assets. Watch on-demand through Zoom.

Watch On-demand